HIDIZS MP143 Salt Review - AudioMonsta

HIDIZS MP143 Salt Review - AudioMonsta

Tone and Presentation

The tone of the Hidizs MP143 is a neutral balanced sound that has a mild warm touch to them. They might lean towards a U shaped sound but are very marginal as their bass and high range is strong with a rather good midrange presence. They have an energetic sound that has superb musicality with decent technical chops along with a lightning fast transient that is typical of a planar driver. In spite of their high energetic sound, they are actually smooth to the ears and don’t sound harsh or offensive but they are a lush, fun sound that is easy to listen to.


The MP143 possesses an expansive soundstage that is similar to the MP145 with a wide and tall soundstage that is holographically vivid. They have a good 3D representation of sound that is accurate and airy which makes them a versatile set that is suitable even for gaming and movies. They also do have an immersive sound that envelopes users in sound that gives a more intimate feel without sounding hollow or distant. The soundstage here definitely is their strength punching above their asking price.

The Bass (Low)

The bass that the MP143 produces is a mildly boosted bass that has a great amount of energy and they do have a fast pace with a tight slam. The bass amount here is just enough to give an energetic sound without any overpowering issues even with the bass nozzle and they don’t bleed into the midrange which is great. The amount of details here is good and they have a good sense of clarity giving a clean overall bass that isn’t muddy nor veil. The bass here has a great body and texture with every bass note presented in a clear manner but the extension here is mediocre and they do lack some depth especially with bass strings. Resolution here is vivid with a good transparency that sounds quite natural to the ears. The bass here isn’t really suited for hardcore bassheads as but sufficient for electronic, jazz and hip-hop with their immersive, energetic bass response. Sub-bass amount is accurate without any bloat and they have a great depth in this region with a decent amount of rumble.

The Mids

Midrange has a warm, neutral tone with a slight thickness that has a good lushious sound. They are a rather balanced midrange that has a natural and organic sound that isn’t recessed to my ears but due to the mild boost in both of the high and low frequency, one might perceive it to be slightly recessed. The midrange here has a diffused field type of sound that disperse the sound very well and they give a sense of space which contributes to the large soundstage present on the MP143. The amount of details here is superb and they lean toward detailed macro details with decent micro detail retrieval capabilities. Clarity here is great as well with crystal clear notes portrayed along with a good resolving sound that is vivid and clear. Transparency here is rather mediocre partly due to the higher region of the midrange that occasionally produces some planar sheen that gives a plasticky sound but isn’t really a deal breaker for me as the spacious, lush midrange is truly enjoyable. Vocals here is sweet and they perform well with male or female vocals alike with their deep yet brilliance filled sound along with their accurate spatial sound, they are quite enjoyable

The Highs

High range has a sharp tone but still able to sound smooth and they have a slow roll off that gives the high range a good presence with an enjoyable crisp decay. The high range here does have a forward sound that has a mild 8 kHz lift providing a good sparkly sound that is lively and energetic. They tend to sound free of sibilance even with their strong overall high range and they are very well controlled similar to their bass. Details here are superb with every note presented thoroughly without any hiccups and they do possess great clarity making the overall high range sounds clean. Resolution is good with a vivid sound that has a good minimal coloration that gives a sweeter high range but transparency here isn’t as good as their predecessor as they do display some metallic sheen but it is minor and doesn’t interfere with the overall sound as much. Treble here has a moderate amount of intensity that gives a good attack and pace in the high range providing an energetic signature while still being smooth to the ears reducing fatigue for long usage.

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